t: 0116 241 8331 e: office@apt.ac
APT exists to help bring best psychology to people who need it, when they need it. The main way we do this is to produce high quality courses and to select professionals who can do them justice. We accredit these professionals as APT tutors.
Organisations can order in our courses and they will be delivered by one of our accredited tutors chosen from a speciality similar to the delegates' (for example, adult mental health, or children and adolescents, etc).
Equally, and this is intended to be a powerful factor, suitably talented and suitable qualified professionals can apply to become licensed to run APT courses inhouse, thereby saving their employing organisation around half of the usual fee (50% of the 'Online Live and Exclusive' fee, regardless of whether the course is held face-to-face or online).
As implied above, you are well-advised to choose courses which correspond with your own areas of expertise – this enables you to talk from your own experience when asked questions.
We hope that you find running APT training courses a thoroughly rewarding and enjoyable experience. We are committed to fully supporting all our tutors, so do contact us if you need help or advice or have anything you wish to discuss, or simply want to be in touch!
There are 6 steps:
1. Check your eligibility.
2. Apply by submitting your abbreviated curriculum vitae.
3. If your brief c.v. is suitable, we will ask you to submit the names of two referees.
4. If your references are suitable, you sit a short online course (free of charge) all about how to present APT courses and the standards required.
5. When you pass the exam at the end of that course, you can then run your chosen APT course, normally in your own organisation. The course has the full workbooks, certification and APT-accreditation for the delegates on the courses.
6. When you have run 3 such courses to the required APT standard then you are accepted as an APT Tutor, and at that point (but not before) can describe yourself as such on your CV and elsewhere.