t: 0116 241 8331 e: office@apt.ac
APT exists to help you bring the best psychology to people when they need it, and one of the ways we do this is to develop high quality training for suitably qualified professionals to deliver under license.
As an accredited APT tutor you are automatically licensed to run APT courses in your employing organisation for half the standard cost (50% of the 'Online Live and Exclusive' fee, regardless of whether the course is held face-to-face or online); yet those who attend the course receive the full course, the full workbooks, APT-Accreditation, and access to any post-course materials, in the usual way.
This means you can you can roll out high quality training within your organisation at half the cost it would be if you bought it in; see Case Studies below.
1. Superman. Person A, an experienced Clinical Psychologist, was asked to apply to become a tutor by his Service Lead. Since he became an accredited APT tutor he has single-handedly introduced APT training into the health service he works in. He has taught: APT's Unified Approach to Working with Psychosis, Module 3: Early Intervention, Attachment in Practice™, Leading Structured Groups, DBT Essentials, and The ADDRESS® Course for working with Personality Disorder, to over 200 people over 31 months, saving the service 50% of the cost on each and every course he runs. Written feedback from attendees includes:
“Excellent course, both delivery and content. Never lost my attention for one minute from start of 1st day to end of last day. Well done. Thank you.”
“Excellent course – well presented. A must for all Mental Health workers (and parents).”
“Very informative, engaging course. Would be great for all nursing staff to attend this course. Very relevant.”
2. A large independent healthcare provider, specialising in working with challenging behaviour. Person B, an experienced clinical psychologist, was attracted by The RAID® Course on account of its positive approach to difficult behaviour, and asked for a course to be run in her employing organisation. She and the organisation were so impressed they adopted it as their core strategy and built up 30 accredited tutors to roll the training out across the organisation, and amass a huge 50% saving. So far over 2,500 people have attended the training and the organisation is regarded as a Centre of Excellence in working with challenging behaviour. Written feedback from attendees includes:
“RAID will benefit patients immensely and improve the quality of their treatment and time here and hopefully staff too!! Excellent tutor – clearly explained, patient and humorous, encouraging and gives us all hope.”
“I believe this course should be mandatory for every single staff member before or as soon as possible after starting at the organisation. It will shape everything we do and massively improve our patients’ experiences of care and life."
“I have had to sit on hundreds of courses, compulsory and voluntarily and this was by far the most enjoyable and well-presented course so far.”
3. An NHS Trust in the UK, providing a full range of inpatient and community mental health services. Person C, an experienced mental health nurse, was acutely aware of her employing Trust's need for a risk assessment and management system that made staff feel good, and so was attracted by The DICES® System for Risk Assessment and Management. She asked for a course to be run in her Trust, and she and the Trust were so impressed that they adopted it. They have now built up 19 accredited tutors to roll it out across the Trust. So far around 2,500 people have attended the DICES® training. Written feedback from attendees includes:
“The best and most relevant course I have attended in many years. The presenter was engaging, patient and very helpful. I feel confident that I will be able to use what I have learned to make confident and informed decisions for my clients and myself.”
“This is some of the best, most relevant training that I have been on – would highly recommend!”
“Massively increased my knowledge in risk assessment and management, how to do them and why it is important there is a process like DICES. I feel 100% more confident in doing risk assessment and management plans now.”
Q. Why does my organisation pay only half the fee if I run the course as opposed to another APT tutor travelling to our organisation?
A. Simply because APT doesn't have to pay a tutor - you are doing it in your paid work time. Your organisation receives exactly the same material as if an outside tutor ran the course: the same workbook, the same evaluation, the same registration for delegates and, importantly, the same certification and APT-accreditation.
Q. What are the chances of me being asked to run courses outside of my organisation, for fee and expenses?
A. This depends on several factors, for example: the demand for the APT courses you can teach, how many other tutors are qualified in those subjects, and the feedback you obtain relative to other available tutors.
Q. APT is based in the UK and I am not. Can I still apply to be a tutor?
A. Yes, we welcome applications from suitably qualified people wherever they are based.
To see if you are eligible to become an APT accredited tutor, click the button below.
There are 6 steps:
1. Check your eligibility.
2. Apply by submitting your abbreviated curriculum vitae.
3. If your brief c.v. is suitable, we will ask you to submit the names of two referees.
4. If your references are suitable, you sit a short online course (free of charge) all about how to present APT courses and the standards required.
5. When you pass the exam at the end of that course, you can then run your chosen APT course, normally in your own organisation. The course has the full workbooks, certification and APT-accreditation for the delegates on the courses.
6. When you have run 3 such courses to the required APT standard then you are accepted as an APT Tutor, and at that point (but not before) can describe yourself as such on your CV and elsewhere.