t: 0116 241 8331 e: office@apt.ac
Integrated training of the highest quality brought to you for maximum cost-effectiveness.
RAID® (Reinforce Appropriate, Implode Disruptive) is a leading positive psychology approach for tackling challenging behaviour at source.
An exciting Risk Assessment and Management tool designed for use by whole services and organisations.
Run your own MoodMaster groups direct to your clients.
The majority of our mental health training courses are provided this way - we come to you and train a group of up to 15 people for an all-inclusive fee.
The majority of our training is provided 'onsite' but for a few of our courses you can come to us. APT is conveniently located centrally in UK.
Obtain APT-quality input at a time that is convenient to you and minimises the need for 'cover' normally associated with training.