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Responding to major incidents in the NHS and independent health facilities.

The Association for Psychological Therapies is a leading provider of post qualification training for professionals working in mental health, and offers the following training on responding to major incidents. We can bring any of these courses to your place of work and train a group of professionals for a fixed all-inclusive fee, no matter where you are. All of the training is accredited by APT and delegates receive the relevant level of APT-Accreditation.

For courses on Crisis Intervention click here

The DICES<sup>®</sup> System for Risk Assessment and Management

The DICES® System for Risk Assessment & Management.

Available in 3-day and 2-day versions.

A cogent system that actually facilitates clinical work, this is one of our most acclaimed courses.

With the starting point that excellent risk management involves excellent clinical practice, The DICES® System for Risk Assessment and Management shows how to assess and manage risk easily, reliably and to the benefit of all.

Part one covers the nature and theory of risk assessment and management. Part two covers risk assessment. Part three covers risk management. The result is that you will be able to asses and manage risk reliably and well.

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Learning the Lessons from Major Incidents

Learning the Lessons from Major Incidents.

A 3-day course (2-day version also available).

For years, our customers have said they wished APT did a course with this title. Well we do now.

It aims to balance two conflicting demands. On the one hand an organisation wants its people to feel autonomous, confident and effective. On the other hand an organisation needs to be 'a learning environment', learning from mistakes without damaging the people that have made them. Taking aeronautical 'near-miss' investigations as a model of no-blame investigations, this course aims to provide you with the skills to conduct thorough, constructive investigations that are sure to learn the lessons that should be learned, and act on them as they should be acted upon.

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Preventing PTSD after major events, at work and elsewhere

Preventing PTSD after major events, at work and elsewhere.

A 3-day course. (2-day version also available.)

It is difficult to know what to do after a major incident, but 'nothing' is rarely the best option.

Major incidents such as patient-suicide, assaults, severe self harm, hostage takings etc can be very stressful for the staff concerned.

Through lecture, case study and role play, this course examines how best to respond to such situations to minimise the stress; when it's best to say little or nothing, when to get a group of staff together, what to say, what procedures to follow, etc. It provides very clear guidelines in an often confused and difficult area.

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Assessment, Risk Assessment, and Intervention, in Crisis Situations

Assessment, Risk Assessment, and Intervention, in Crisis Situations.

A 3-day course. (2-day version also available.)

This course is designed for people who have predominantly short term contact with clients, either by phone or face to face. Typically those clients will be in or approaching a psychotic episode, suffering with a personality disorder, or so distressed that they may harm themselves or attempt suicide. The key aspects of these disorders are therefore covered, and, in particular, major effective strategies for effective brief intervention. Additionally the principles behind these interventions are covered, to facilitate long term beneficial impact, along with risk assessment in such high stress situations.

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The Professional Management of Suicide Risk and Suicidality

Suicide Prevention.

Suicide prevention is a vitally important topic because it affects so many people, and it affects them so deeply.

Historically, professionals have found it a difficult subject to work with, and we have developed a series of courses with the aim of remedying that. Our suicide prevention training consists of:

1. Suicide Awareness (half-day)

2. Suicide-Risk Assessment and Management (2 days)

3. CBT Plus, for Suicide Prevention (3 days)

This enables you to build the perfect package for your needs.

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Trauma Focused CBT training

Trauma-Focused CBT, for all ages.

A 3-day course.

Post Traumatic Stress Disorder is literally a life changing disorder. It is famously difficult to treat, yet Cognitive Behavioural Therapy can produce impressive results.

Experiencing a life-threatening event can leave the person with effects including: persistently re-experiencing the event (e.g. intrusive thoughts and images of it), a numbing of general responsiveness (e.g. less interest in significant activities and a feeling of detachment from others), persistent hyperarousal (e.g. difficulty sleeping, irritability, exaggerated startle response) adding up to significant distress or impaired functioning. This course examines effective Cognitive Behavioural Therapy based interventions (a) to ameliorate these effects and (b) to greatly improve the patient's quality of life where some effects cannot be mitigated.

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