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RAID Training

The RAID® Approach.

RAID® (Reinforce Appropriate, Implode Disruptive) is a leading positive psychology approach which utilises proven constructional psychology to address very challenging issues. RAID® training has now been undertaken by well over 20,000 professionals working in mental health and related areas. The Association for Psychological Therapies (APT) is the only provider of RAID® training in the UK and Ireland and we can bring any of these courses to your own organisation for a fixed all-inclusive fee.

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RAID® Training:

The Association for Psychological Therapies (APT) provides the following RAID approach courses:

The RAID® Course

The RAID® Course. The positive approach to working with disturbed and challenging behaviour.

A 3-day course.

A relentlessly positive approach to working with disturbed and challenging behaviour.

The 3-day RAID® course is the UK’s leading positive psychology approach for tackling disturbed and challenging behaviour at source: over 20,000 professionals have attended it. It is a comprehensive approach which teaches staff a philosophy and practice not only to deal with disturbed and challenging behaviour when it occurs, but also to prevent it by tackling it at source. Staff feel pleased to share a unified system and to know what they are doing and why they are doing it, while clients delight in a relentlessly positive and empowering approach. The essence of the RAID® approach is to play down disturbed and challenging behaviour as far as safety allows, and to nurture and develop positive behaviour so that it systematically overwhelms and displaces the disturbed and challenging behaviour.

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The RAID Masterclass

The RAID® Masterclass.

A 3-day course.

This is a course for people who have at least 6 months practice subsequent to receiving Level 3 APT-Accreditation (often much more) in the RAID® approach.

In lectures, the masterclass provides more depth on some of the topics in the original course but is mainly focused on developing skill, based around the following components: listening to and making case presentations, watching selected videos, role-play/real-play where you interview others and they interview you, and establishing a stable system for support and development for yourself in RAIDing post course. The result is that you enhance your skill, insight and knowledge. Successful completion also gains you APT's Level 4 accreditation in RAIDing.

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RAID for Self Harm and NSSI

The RAID® Approach for Self-Harm and NSSI.

A 1-day course.

This is a course that applies the RAID® approach to this challenging condition by helping us analyse what benefit the client derives from it and helping them to achieve the same benefit in a greener way – a way that works better for them. The course is available for whole teams and can be attended face-to-face or online. It is intended for people who have attended The 3-day RAID® course for working with difficult and disruptive behaviour. It can be used towards APT’s Level 3 accreditation in the RAID® Approach.

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The RAID Refresher

The RAID® Refresher.

A 1-day course.

The RAID® course is the UK’s leading positive psychology approach for tackling disturbed and challenging behaviour at source: over 20,000 professionals have attended it. The purpose of the refresher day is to literally ‘refresh’ delegates who have previously attended the course: to re-invigorate them and to bring them up to speed with any developments that have occurred since they originally attended their training.

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RAID® Resources 

Resources and further information about the RAID approach.

RAID Centres of Excellence

RAID® Centres of Excellence.

This is a major undertaking where organisations seek recognition that they are implementing RAID® principles outstandingly well.

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RAID Evaluation

RAID® Posters.

View the RAID® posters that are available to order for your team or organisation.

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Positive Behaviour Support

Positive Behaviour Support (PBS).

The RAID® System overlaps with positive behaviour support, although RAID® has more general application. The RAID® System was first introduced in 1990, is now on its 11th iteration.

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RAID (Reinforce Appropriate, Implode Disruptive)


FAQs about the RAID Approach, including 'What is RAID?', 'What does RAID stand for?' and 'What are the differences between RAID and PBS?'.

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RAID Evaluation

RAID® Evaluation.

We encourage all teams that complete RAID® training to monitor the results of the intervention and will recognise and can support staff to do so.

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The RAID Awards

RAID® Awards.

These annual awards were established to keep people positive and ‘enthused’ about working with challenging behaviour and enabling those who often exhibit such behaviour to lead rewarding lives for themselves and those around them.

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APT Accreditation  APT Accreditation 

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