t: 0116 241 8331 e: office@apt.ac
A 3-day course from the Association for Psychological Therapies (APT), a leading provider of training for professionals working in mental health and related areas in the UK and Ireland.
It is the only such training that is APT-accredited and also gives you access to APT’s relevant downloadable resources for use post-course. The course is available for teams and individuals and can be attended face-to-face or online. It can also be completed as part of the Extended Training in CBT course, or The APT Diploma in Working with common mental health diagnoses.
This course combines CBT and Motivational Interviewing to provide a powerful way of helping people to recognise lifestyle issues and to do something about them. This is important because of the current widespread recognition that lifestyle issues are inextricably linked with physical and mental wellbeing. Issues from smoking, drinking, exercise, and substance misuse, through to eating more healthily are all addressed.
Attend the course as an individual, or we can bring the 3-day course to your own organisation and train a group of 6-15 people, or you or your colleagues may be able to be trained to roll out the course in your organisation under license.
People who attend this course normally fall into one of two categories:
1. Groups of professionals who see patients in 1:1 treatment settings, have a significant degree of clinical skill, and wish to become proficient in helping their clients address lifestyle factors affecting their wellbeing.
2. 'Whole teams' (either in inpatient or community settings) seeking to develop a unified level of proficiency in motivational interviewing.
The professional affiliations of people attending this course include: mental health/psychiatric nurses, social workers, occupational therapists, clinical psychologists, psychiatrists, probation officers and others working in a variety of settings including: Substance Misuse, Forensic, Adult Mental Health, and Children & Adolescents.
You will be registered as having attended the course, thereby gaining APT's Level 1 accreditation, and receive a certificate to this effect. The accreditation gives you access to online resources associated with the course and access to the online exam if you wish to uprate your APT accreditation to Level 2.
Your registration lasts indefinitely, and your accreditation lasts for 3 years and is renewable by sitting an online refresher which also upgrades your accreditation to APT Level 2 if you are successful in the associated online exam.
APT-accreditation is probably the most valid and transparent accreditation system currently available to professionals in mental health and related fields. See APT accreditation for full details.
Booking this training is easy...Booking Options... for individuals or small groups For teams and organisations:Option 1: Online Live and Exclusive course: Live and interactive online course, delivered via Zoom or Teams* exclusively for your team or organisation. Price: £4,930 plus VAT for a group of up to 15 people (workbooks for every delegate are included in this price - if you require workbooks being sent to more than one location, there is an extra charge of £10 per extra address). Extra delegates £330 plus VAT per person.
We bring the course and tutor to you, for an all-inclusive fee. Price: £7,400 plus VAT for a group of up to 15 people. Extra delegates: £495 plus VAT per person. To book, call (UK) 0116 241 8331, or click the button: Option 3: 'Train the Trainer': If you or a colleague are a senior professional (e.g. consultant psychologist) and have a talent for communication and teaching, then you are welcome to apply to become an APT-accredited tutor. You could then tutor the course in your own organisation, under license. This is not only a highly appropriate use of senior professionals, but it also saves your organisation the tutor-component of the fee each time you run it or your chosen modules (50% of the 'Online Live and Exclusive' fee, regardless of whether the course is held Face-to-Face or Online). To see the full benefits of this and to see whether you are eligible, click the button:
APT prides itself on the feedback we receive about our courses. Below are just some of the great comments APT courses have received.
"Brilliant. Approachable, clear, kept me motivated for 3 days (an impossibility!). Best course I've been on in 18 years on the job."
"I can honestly say this was one of the most amazing learning experiences I've ever had."
"I feel that this has been the best training course I have been on so far in my professional career in terms of its relevance to my current practice and enhancement of my existing skills."