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Booking Form: Online Live and Exclusive Courses.

To make a booking for an Online Live and Exclusive Course, simply fill out the form below and we will contact you to confirm your booking. Alternatively call 0116 241 8331 or email office@apt.ac

The set fee for Online Live and Exclusive Courses include: tuition, a hardcopy workbook for every delegate, course evaluation (the full evaluation document returned to you), registration of all delegates on the APT central register, certificate sent to you listing all who attended, individual certificates of attendance and APT-Accreditation sent to each delegate.

The course title(s) you would like to book:

Preferred dates:

First name:

Last name:

Job title:



Address Line 1:

Address Line 2:

Town /City:

County / Region:

Postal /Zip Code:


Purchase Order Number (if known):

Name and address for invoicing (if different from above):


Professional affiliation of the delegates:

Area of specialism of the delegates:

How did you hear about APT?

Anything else you think we should know? If you could tell us as much as possible about the delegates going on the course it helps us to choose the most appropriate tutor and for the tutor to have a good understanding of the team they are teaching to prepare relevant examples.

APT will always respect your personally identifiable data (see our policy at www.apt.ac/gdpr/). By submitting your details you agree to this policy. APT will only send you information regarding The APT Group. We will not share your data with any third party.

Open Courses.

The majority of our training is provided 'onsite' but for a few of our courses you can come to us. APT is conveniently located centrally in UK.

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Onsite Courses.

The majority of our mental health training courses are provided this way - we come to you and train a group of up to 15 people.

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