t: 0116 241 8331 e: office@apt.ac
'Graded Exposure Therapy' is a 1-day course from the Association for Psychological Therapies (APT), a leading provider of training for professionals working in mental health and related areas in the UK and Ireland.
It is the only Exposure Therapy training that is APT-accredited and also gives you access to APT’s relevant downloadable resources for use post-course. The course is available for teams and individuals and can be attended face-to-face or online.
We created this course because there are few good psychological interventions for anxiety and phobias, but exposure therapy and graded exposure are one such. The problem is that it is such a ‘common sense’ procedure that many people – professionals included – don't take the care to learn how to use it properly and so it doesn’t work well for them. This leads to disappointment for the client, and a likely exacerbation of the problem. And that’s why we created this short course: to show professionals how to use exposure therapy – and graded exposure in particular - effectively and well.
The course covers how to apply exposure therapy – especially graded exposure – and what conditions it works well for. It also covers the pitfalls to avoid, and the conditions it usually doesn’t work well for. Those who attend the course receive a certificate to verify the fact, and accreditation that allows them access to any resources associated with the course.
The course covers all you need to be able to use graded exposure effectively, namely:
All delegates are registered at APT as having attended the course, and receive a certificate to acknowledge their attendance, registration, and APT-Accreditation at the appropriate level. As a bona fide APT event, this course automatically has accreditation from The Association for Psychological Therapies. This accreditation is given weight by the fact of over 150,000 professionals having attended APT training.
Your accreditation is given value by the fact of over 150,000 people having attended APT training. See APT accreditation for full details.
Booking is easy...
We continuously monitor the quality of our training by obtaining feedback on the two key scales of relevance and presentation from every course delegate. Below are the average ratings for the last six runnings of this course, which are updated periodically.
Presentation: 98%
Relevance: 96%
APT prides itself on the feedback we receive about our courses. Below are just some of the great comments the Exposure Therapy course has received.
"Will surely enable me to be a better practitioner."
"Brilliant course."
"Very enjoyable session from an expert."