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Secure Psychiatric & Forensic training courses.

If you are looking for the highest standard of post-qualification training for professionals working in Secure Psychiatric and Forensic settings, then you have found it. All of the training is accredited by the Association for Psychological Therapies (APT), and we can bring any of these courses to your own organisation for a fixed, all-inclusive fee no matter where you are. Some of these courses are also available for individuals to attend 'online' or 'open'.

CBT for Working with Offenders

CBT for Working with Offenders.

A 3-day course. (2-day version also available.)

CBT for Working with Offenders gives a clear framework in which to analyse and work with most offenders.

It is an approach that is increasingly being recognised as giving very good results when well delivered. An underlying principle is that the offenders' behaviour (like that of everyone) depends largely on the five Be-BEST factors involved in modern Cognitive Behavioural Therapy. If we can change those factors then we can usually also change the offending. This course aims to provide those working with offenders with sufficient knowledge of a cognitive approach to enable them to apply it safely to their caseload.

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CBT Plus, for Anger and Violence

CBT Plus, for Anger and Violence.

A 3-day course.

This is the new version of APT's Anger Management course, focusing on working with individuals (and groups) who are habitually angry and sometimes violent. It examines the potential problems of working with aggression, but principally focuses on strategies for helping people with such problems overcome their anger and violence.

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CBT for Substance Misuse

CBT Plus, with Alcohol & Substance Misuse.

A 3-day course.

When use of mood altering substances gets out of control it ruins the person's life - until we help them regain control.

The maladaptive use of mood altering substances (importantly, including alcohol) may easily devastate the life of the user and of those around them. Although onset may be insidious the effect can be far reaching and difficult to reverse without skilled and determined intervention. This course covers the Cognitive Behavioural Therapy solutions.

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The ADDRESS Course

The ADDRESS® Course for Working with Personality Disorder.

A 3-day course.

A powerful integrated package for working effectively with personality disorder.

This course combines relevant aspects of Cognitive Therapy, Dialectical Behaviour Therapy and Motivational Interviewing to form a powerful and systematic intervention for personality disorder. It highlights the problem behaviours associated with personality disorder, how to conceptualise those behaviours in specific cases, how to facilitate insight and motivation in the patient, and how to generate change strategies. Importantly it also gives participants a chance to practise applying them to prepared scenarios.

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The ABC Course

Aggressive-Behaviour Control: The ABC Course™

A 2-day course. (1-day version also available.)

Powerful non-physical techniques for handling aggression and violence in the least restrictive way.

Whether you simply want to be effective in controlling aggression or whether your focus is on least restrictive approaches, this course is for you. The 'original' of courses on the least restrictive management of aggression it has been attended by thousands of professionals. Providing the foundation knowledge on how and why anger and aggression develop, it shows: how to prevent aggressive and violent incidents (both to oneself and others), key techniques for responding to an actively aggressive or violent person, and what to do after an incident has been resolved. Everything you need to know about least restrictive responses to anger, aggression and violence.

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Motivational Interviewing

Motivational Interviewing, and how to use it effectively.

A 3-day course.

Also known as the ‘Essentials course’ this course is available 'Open' (where you come to us) or Onsite (we come to you and deliver it to a group of up to 15 delegates).

Based on Miller and Rollnick's latest book, this course describes an organised way of helping people to recognise their problems and to do something about them. Principally it addresses behaviour about which the client has mixed feelings: drinking and substance misuse for example, but a surprising array of common mental and physical health problems as well. Issues from taking psychoactive medication through to eating more healthily can all be addressed using motivational interviewing.

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The DICES<sup>®</sup> System for Risk Assessment and Management

The DICES® System for Risk Assessment & Management.

Available in 3-day and 2-day versions.

A cogent system that actually facilitates clinical work, this is one of our most renowned courses. Thousands of UK professionals have already attended it.

With the starting point that excellent risk management involves excellent clinical practice, The DICES® System for Risk Assessment and Management shows what is necessary to properly assess and manage risk easily, reliably and to the benefit of all, and this accounts for its staggering popularity.

Part one covers the nature and theory of risk assessment and management: why we do it and what we aim to achieve by it. Part two covers risk assessment specifically: if you don't notice the risk there is no chance you will manage it correctly. Part three covers risk management: there is no virtue in spotting a risk if you are not able to manage it. The end result is that not only do you know about risk assessment and management, you also have the ability and the equipment to do so reliably and well.

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The RAID<sup>®</sup> Course

The RAID® Course. The positive approach to working with disturbed and challenging behaviour.

A 3-day course.

A relentlessly positive approach to working with disturbed and challenging behaviour.

The 3-day RAID® course is the UK’s leading positive psychology approach for tackling disturbed and challenging behaviour at source: over 20,000 professionals have attended it. It is a comprehensive approach which teaches staff a philosophy and practice not only to deal with disturbed and challenging behaviour when it occurs, but also to prevent it by tackling it at source. Staff feel pleased to share a unified system and to know what they are doing and why they are doing it, while clients delight in a relentlessly positive and empowering approach. The essence of the RAID® approach is to play down disturbed and challenging behaviour as far as safety allows, and to nurture and develop positive behaviour so that it systematically overwhelms and displaces the disturbed and challenging behaviour.

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Preventing PTSD after major events, at work and elsewhere

Preventing PTSD after major events, at work and elsewhere.

A 3-day course. (2-day version also available.)

It is difficult to know what to do after a major incident, but 'nothing' is rarely the best option.

Major incidents such as patient-suicide, assaults, severe self harm, hostage takings etc can be very stressful for the staff concerned. Through lecture, case study and role play, this course examines how best to respond to such situations to minimise the stress; when it's best to say little or nothing, when to get a group of staff together, what to say, what procedures to follow, etc. It provides very clear guidelines in an often confused and difficult area.

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The APT Diploma for Working in Secure Psychiatric and Forensic Settings

The APT Diploma for Working in Secure Psychiatric and Forensic Settings.

90 hours.

The APT Diploma for Working in Secure Psychiatric and Forensic Settings provides 90 hours of training, leading to Level 4 APT accreditation. Attend as an individual or we can bring the training to you for a fixed fee, to eliminate travel and expenses costs, and to ensure you get a supportive group addressing the same material.

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