t: 0116 241 8331 e: office@apt.ac
It is important to have an integrated risk assessment system, otherwise while you are assessing the risk of violence (for example), you are overtaken by the risk of suicide (for example). And vice versa. The DICES® System is such an integrated package.
The DICES® System enables you to assess and manage the risks of:
And risks that are particularly relevant to:
The DICES® System covers the three essential bases of:
In the risk assessment module, we not only cover the principles of good risk assessment but give you access to DICES® checklists covering the seven areas listed on page 3*. These are not forms to fill in, there are checklists to help you see whether you have considered everything you should have considered. This makes them empowering rather than tedious! *For the period of your accreditation, currently 3 years, renewable.
The DICES® System pays just as much attention to risk management. Too often clinicians accurately identify risk only to have that risk come true. It is vital that risks are properly managed, and The DICES® System provides checklists to guide you on what you should cover regardless of whether you work in the community or outpatient setting, or in an inpatient, residential or secure unit.
We believe it is right that if you are assessing and managing risk competently then you demonstrate that you are doing so. This is fair for the professionals involved, and the organisation they work for. So in this section we cover a simple 5 point formula for demonstrating that risks are being properly assessed and managed. It has an important additional benefit of helping the professional to check this really is the case!
*With peer group approval.
The DICES® system comes from APT, the Association for Psychological Therapies. APT is widely recognised as providing the gold standard for post qualification training for mental health professionals and related specialists. Over 150,000 such professionals have attended APT training live, and many more online.
Whatever you choose, we bring the course to you in your organisation, for groups of up to 15 people (minimum six). There is a fixed price covering everything including workbooks, APT accreditation, access to downloadable resources after the course, the tutor’s expenses and travel. You simply provide a good training room, any refreshments you want to, and the delegates! The price is fixed and non-negotiable, wherever in the UK you are based.
Some large organisations have senior professionals trained to deliver the DICES® course to their colleagues, under licence. Delegates still receive the appropriate level of APT accreditation, the downloadable resources for the duration of their accreditation (renewable), and workbooks, etc. Everything. The feedback on the DICES® course demonstrates its exemplary standard, and the price is deliberately made as affordable as possible as befits input for the helping professions. Having in-house licensed tutors makes it even more affordable, especially for large organisations.
The DICES® System for Risk Assessment & Management ❯
Feedback for The DICES® System ❯
Evidence for The DICES® System ❯
Training to use the DICES® system is availabale in various formats, including a 2-day course (suitable for most people) and a 3-day course (covering everything in more depth with more discussion and examples, and is appropriate for ‘DICES® champions’ and senior staff who may wish to have that extra depth).