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DBT Training Courses

DBT Training Courses.

The Association for Psychological Therapies (APT) is a leading provider of Dialectical Behaviour Therapy (DBT) training in the UK and Ireland.

All of the following DBT training courses are available online for teams and individuals, or we can deliver the training face-to-face in your own organisation for a fixed all-inclusive fee, no matter where you are. All of the training is APT-accredited and delegates receive the relevant level of DBT accreditation from the APT, depending on which course(s) they attend.

Note: Providing training in DBT is a high level skill but no specific license is necessary to do so, so you may want to beware of any provider who says, for example, that they are 'the only licensed provider' or something similar.

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The following courses are available:

The Association for Psychological Therapies (APT) provides the following training in Dialectical Behaviour Therapy (DBT) .

DBT Essentials

DBT Essentials.

A 3-day course.

Instruction in the key components of DBT for those who want to add them to their repertoire without necessarily becoming 'a DBT therapist', and for those thinking of taking the first step in becoming a specialised DBT therapist.

DBT brings together a series of skills and techniques which are powerful and well chosen ones, for working with personality disorder as well as in other areas. Many people want to familiarise themselves with these skills without necessarily becoming a DBT therapist exclusively, and this 3-day course is for you if you are one of those people as well as if you are thinking of taking the first step in becoming a DBT therapist. As well as covering the 'overall concept of DBT', it covers its 'essential elements', namely the concepts of: Validation; Metaphor; Relentless Problem Solving; and Contingency Management, and the skills of: Mindfulness; Distress Tolerance; Interpersonal Effectiveness; and Emotional Regulation.

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Running DBT Skills Development Groups

Running DBT Skills-Development Groups.

A 3-day course.

Running skills development groups is an important part of becoming proficient in DBT, and this course provides the coaching and practice to develop such skills.

This course lasts 3 days and is all about learning how to run groups for your clients to help them become skilled in key areas of relevance for them. The rationale is that patients need not only to be motivated, gain insights and knowledge etc, but usually also need to acquire skills in; Mindfulness, Interpersonal Effectiveness, Emotion Regulation, and Distress tolerance.

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The DBT Masterclass

The DBT Masterclass.

A 4-day course.

By attending the DBT Masterclass you are expected to substantially develop both your knowledge of DBT and your skills. 

The major teaching techniques on this course are case presentation and discussion, video-presentations, and reflective exercises (where you analyse and describe the practice of DBT in your workplace). You will gain most benefit from this course if you leave a gap of several months between attending DBT Essentials / Running DBT Skills-Development Groups and this one, developing your DBT skills in those months so your have material to present and discuss on this course.

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Extended Training in DBT

Extended Training in DBT.

A 10-day course.

Providing 60 hours of training, it includes three courses plus an exam, leading to appropriate APT accreditation.

This is the most comprehensive training in DBT we currently provide, and it has inbuilt APT accreditation to Level 4 for those who complete the relevant exams and masterclass successfully.

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DBT-A Training

DBT-A: DBT for Adolescents.

A 3-day course.

Instruction in the key components of DBT for those who want to apply DBT to working with adolescents.

DBT brings together a series of skills and techniques which are powerful and well chosen ones, and DBT-A focuses it on working with adolescents. Whether you want to simply learn about DBT and how to apply it effectively, or are thinking of establishing a full DBT service, this course has it covered. The course covers the delivery of effective DBT at its most relevant for adolescents, including: confusion about self, impulsivity, lack of emotional control, interpersonal problems, family problems and dilemmas, high risk behaviours, including suicidal behaviour and non-suicidal self-injury.

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An overview of DBT and the training available 

An overview of DBT and the training available from the The Association for Psychological Therapies (APT).

Where has the APT delivered training in the UK and Ireland?

The Association for Psychological Therapies has delivered training at the following locations (and more) in the British Isles.

DBT Accreditation, FAQs, and Awards 

DBT Accreditation

DBT Accreditation.

The Association for Psychological Therapies offers various levels of accreditation to professionals who have completed APT training (or similar).

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DBT Accreditation


View the most frequently asked questions about Dialectical Behaviour Therapy (e.g. "What is DBT?" and "How does DBT work?").

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DBT Accreditation

DBT Training FAQs.

View the most frequently asked questions in relation to training in Dialectical Behaviour Therapy (DBT) from the APT.

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DBT Awards

DBT Awards.

These annual awards were established to keep people 'enthused' and thinking about how they can apply DBT in their practice.

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DBT Centres of Excellence

DBT Centres of Excellence.

This is a major undertaking where organisations seek recognition that they are implementing DBT outstandingly well.

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APT Accreditation  APT Accreditation 

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